Sunday, December 9, 2007

Almost There...written from Hong Kong

**This was in an email I received from Griff at 11:25 pm on Saturday. She asked me to post it on her blog for her. ~Caroline

Random things that have happened:

Asian guy winked at me....that has NEVER happened to me i thought it was funny

I had two Indonesians sit beside me on the 18 hour flight...we had nice conversations along with sleep!

On another flight, a guy asked if I wanted to sleep on his shoulder. I think he was in the army or something. He seemed nice, but still a little sketch!

I met two Thai girls in LA who were so amazing and sweet as pie ...they had the cutest dog EVER he weighed 5 pounds!! He loved me and kept jumping out of his bag to come to me! The dog had a pink collar but it was a boy..I love Asians!!

I helped another family find their little girl who wandered away to the bathroom...they didnt even know she had wandered away but, I told them in as many ways as I could...they didn't speak a lick of english so, I just pointed and guided them!! lol

I have also met some sketch the guy who stood right behind me while I was about to type my first email. I walked away and came back later (there are 4 other computers who were NOT occupied and were in GREAT condition).

Another lady walked up to me and kept asking me all these questions and I just shook my head because it freaked me out.

I have met a good bit of people but, I would have liked to meet more because I am getting so bored with myself....oh well, I will be with Boyter and the others soon! PTL!!

I cannot believe that I am in Hong Kong though ...its like a dream! I have been planning this trip for so long and it is finally here! I cant wait to see what my Daddy has in store for me!!

I have just been people watching the whole time and it has been quite hilarious! I love people watching especially to see the most beautiful babies and little kids EVER!

The only really other exciting things that have happened are the chinese girls and how they are stuck in the 80's ..I think its so cute!

Oh, and I get really funny looks because I am least I hope thats the reason...maybe because I look rough as anything...who knows! lol

Well, I am really looking forward to getting to Indonesia!! please keep Boyt, me and the others in your *thoughts. My next flight is 5 hours long...which is a long time for someone who has already been traveling 2 1/2, I am hoping that it goes by fast!!

OKay, I hope all is well with everyone!

p.s. I love you mom!!!

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