Monday, April 21, 2008

Who AM I?

So, today in class we had to write sonnets about African American lit and things we have learned in, I have been thinking about all of the things that people wrote and decided to share some thoughts...

I am a girl, christian, friend, daughter, sister, follower, leader, happy, friendly, white, lover, disliker, observer, neighbor, student, teacher, cousin, niece, encourager, confused, and the list goes on...

It's so cool that God made all of us different but also many of us have the same traits but we use them in different ways...

1 comment:

Keith said...

I enjoy your writing. I will have to come b ack to your site again... Are you still in Asia? Well, When I clicked on your name, I did not realize you are not asian yerself.... I hope to teach in Indonesia. Feel free to drop my blog if you like.