Saturday, February 21, 2009

my 25 things...

1. I want to be a missionary in a foreign country
2. I absolutely LOVE animals
3. I wish Greenwood was closer to the mountains so that I could hike more! I love hiking..
4. I crochet and love it...and I know that makes me sound like a grandmother
5. I love to read
6. I am one of the few people that NEVER had braces
7. I never meet a stranger
8. I love where I work and the people I work with
9. I think asians are the most beautiful people ever and I want to adopt one or two
10. Chick-Fil-A is seriously my favorite place to eat...EVER!
11. I love dancing...and could dance everyday!
12. I am probably the most observant people ever...most people don't realize that about me..
13. I talk to my mom a minimum of 2 times a day
14. I go to bed very early
15. I can't wait to be a wife and a mom!
16. Pink is the best color ever
17. I actually like cleaning...its like therapy
18. Caroline taught me everything I know about cooking
19. My sister, Amanda, is the funniest person I know
20. My grandmother can cook the best green beans in the world
21. I love reading blogs and I wish I was more disciplined with blogging...but I am not
22. I love old people..I think they have a lot of wisdom and great stories
23. I always think about 3 or 4 things at once and always have a song in my head
24. I am a white girl that loves rap music...and I can rap
25. I don't watch scary movies because I get night mares!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Here are my roommates from the weekend:

Here is a bunch of us at Fudruckers: A beautiful pic of the beach:
We had a great time at Converge! It was great getting to know some of the freshman better and also sad to know that it would be my last time at Converge. Although, I am excited about graduating in 11 weeks! : D