Wednesday, September 24, 2008

car blues

So, my car broke. Please pray it's not much money and it gets fixed fast.  Ohhh...I hate not having a car! : (

Friday, September 19, 2008

2 in 1 day

I really wanna know how to do cool things to my blog....I want a new background and know how to add bigger pics....Please help me ..

Thought I was almost finished... and what I love...

So, I thought I was almost finished with my Jman application but, to my surprise ....I have 2 more things to do. My Christian beliefs and a Life Sketch...So, it looks like atleast another month of going at that application.!! It's going to be a glorious day when I get the e-mail saying that it is all turned in and finished!!

I love her...

This weekend Care is gone so, it's me, Pidge, studying and sleeping in. I am so excited that it is the weekend. I am also excited that I get to spend it with Pigeon.... YES, I know I might be a little obsessed with her...oh well, she is a great dog!!
Things that I love:
Animals especially sweet ones
Holidays and fun things that go along with them
Christmas Music all year long...thats right....don't judge!
Blankets - especially ones that are homemade
Learning more about Christ!!
Talking to my mom everyday even if we don't have anything to talk about
When my sister talks my ear off (doesn't happen I treasure it when it does)
Traveling.... anywhere...especially with people
Good friends
Hearing about people's lives
telling people about my life
Hearing other languages being spoken...oh this makes me sooo happy!
: )
Meeting new people
Fall - especially after a long hot summer!
new makeup...even though I dont use much...i still love buying it
gospel music that reminds me of my childhood
hearing people's testimonies
Grey's Anatomy even though I use to be totally against it
north side
people at north side
my fish, doo doo
old people
tall people....i feel like so much of their life is different than mine...
diet dr. pepper
My Birthday!!...the BEST day of the year!! YoU KNOW!
reading blogs
my job

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


So, I had a POP TEST this morning in class...isn't that crazy?? a freaking POP test! What teacher does that? freak.

I also have a test tomorrow which I found out about yesterday!!!

I am glad my small group starts back tonight! :-D yay

I finished my autobiography for jman yesterday!! :-D yay

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Sick of School Already....

So, yeah the title explains it all. I am already sick of school and have been there 1 week. craziness.... but, from what all of my friends's pretty normal to already have "senioritis." I still plan on making all A's though so, I need to buckle down and get over my senioritis...

So, ITunes has this new thing called Genius....which is really awesome! I am loving it. It takes your songs and makes playlists out of them. It's awesome!

In my voice and diction class I am going to get slaughtered because of my southern accent. I had to buy a "southern accent reduction tape" ...can you believe that? I really do not mind my accent....

Oh and I might sound like the biggest dork ever...but, I am officially addicted to crocheting and Grey's Anatomy.

I bought my plane ticket to Illinois yesterday. I am going the week after christmas and I am so excited. I am going to visit my best friend and her family. Might be the last time I see her family before I leave exciting ! Oh, and I will be going snow skiing for the first time!! : )

Jman and school

So, I have not been really working on my Jman application lately due to school. I am already so sick of school...which is so bad because it started last tuesday. So, I have officially be in school 1 week today. boo. 1 more year until I am out forever...I hope! :-D